![]() UPDATE: Day 8 I have melted away 6lbs of FAT!!! in 8 days and feeling lighter. Feels like the "stuffing" has been taken out!!.. Put on my first summer pants today and they are a little baggy!!.. hmmm..maybe some new clothes ??.. lots of bright colours for the summer as I strolled thru the mall today. Do you treat your "stuffing" like an old favourite sweater that you cannot throw away?? Are you committed more to the old sluggish self and the ding-dong donut than to all the new bright shiny clothes available?? tough questions.. I know I was...just start today and make one change, try to keep that habit, than introduce another, maybe 15 min walk outside now that the warm air finally came to Ontario!!.. have one healthier choice with your meal... soon you too will get to a stage when you want to just throw out that old sweater and make way for new beginnings (again) in your life!1 always your choice... cheers diane PS I have been painting will post some new wineglasses soon!! ***************************************************************************************** UPDATE: Day 4 I am into Day 4 of my transformation and am down 2.5lbs and 1" off the hips!! Other group members have lost 4 & 7lbs in 3 days!! Feeling good and the products help take away the cravings!! and I had a major sweet tooth!!. will post before & after pictures after Day 10 Let me know if you are READY to finally COMMIT to yourself and make the TRANSFORMATION.. It works!! No crazy exercising needed. I am continuing with my daily walk that is all! ************************************************************************************************* As summer approaches and the weather is finally getting nicer here in Southern Ontario (it has been a looooonnnngggg spring). Thoughts are turning to living healthier and greener inside and out!! So my household is going green!! My husband has been getting his weight & lifestyle under control for the last 6 months and just finished taking the 10day Transformation Pack. I have a group of 6 women who have taken the commitment to make a change in their lives by taking the 10day challenge (the secret in Hollywood). We will be starting next week. Take a peruse through the website www.mypurium.com/johnmark and see if this is a journey you would like to take for yourself and your family!! Go Green!! diane
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diane cooperI am a floral artist that loves to create in my home studio. I love pink rose, beaches, travelling!! Archives
May 2021
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