These PAINT PARTY ART KITS are offered for those that: 1: are not able to can get to a scheduled paint party or are not in the area. 2: love to paint in the comfort of their own home 3: want to gift another with the Joy of Art 4: want to paint with family or small gathering of friends.
These kits help you escape to another world (which led me to painting when I was looking after my mother) where you have some time for yourself and let your creativity spark. You can also plan your own paint party with your mother, friends, staff social or a date night for two!
The exclusive designs on this website come with: * Pre-traced design outline on canvas * Step by step written instructions with pictures (a video tutorial is able with most kits). * Brushes needed for the project * Paint colours for the project (background colours can be changed upon order request) * Paper plate & towel * You will need a cup for water (not included)
TO ORDER A KIT: 1. Email: [email protected] Subject Line: Art Kits Order or go to Contact Me Page 2. Indicate: seasonal category & at the design name. (from the designs below or next page) 3. Indicate which size & quantity of kits you would like to order. 4. Pricing: Adult Kits: 11x14 - $28 9x12 - $22 Kids Kits*: 8x10 - $12 9x12 - $15 (*no instructions included) Save 10% when order 3+ kits.
Taxes included. Shipping & Handling extra
Many kids designs available, just ask and I will see what I have!
Disclaimer: I have purchased the rights to use these designs for my paint kits & parties. Personal use only, not to be used for business.