Just in time for Mother's Day!!! Please visit my FB page or website pages for many beautiful gifts for your Mother, Mother-in-law, favourite Aunt or for yourself. Most of my items are at my home studio...so lots of good pricing...25% off til Sat May 10th
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Hi everyone, Hope that you have been getting thru this really tough January if you are anywhere in the "polar vortex" area!!!... I have been extremely lucky and have been away from all the dreariness of my least favourite season. So this year, we are fulfilling one of our goals and we are being snowchickadees down south. Remember when I talked about goals before (if not, here is a reminder)... when you make goals, MAKE THEM SPECIFIC!!... one of my goals is to have a cottage in the summer in Ontario, and spend winters down south. Of course, I naturally thought of Florida..as most Ontarians do... but... my husband, who has been more specific all year long last year, and put it out almost daily to the universe that he wanted to spend the whole winter in Costa Rica... (he was down there in March for 3 weeks... and fell in love with the Ocean).. This is from a man who I could never get to vacation down south and fry on a beach with... "no boring south for him.." I'm glad that he was clearer on our goal than I was. I put in the finishing touches and stated "We will be in a gated community house, with a pool in the complex and MUST be walking distance to the ocean"... and we got that in Playa Bejuco, Costa Rica. As anyone who has seen the sun set over the Pacific, it is a nightly masterpiece from God...we bogey board from 4pm til the sun sets around 5:30pm....I know strangely early from a Northern's perspective as we think of hot summer weather with the sun setitng at 8-9pm...Nope here it is pitch black by 6pm...365 days of the year... 12hrs day/ 12hr night). Anyways I wanted to share a piece of the masterpiece with you...a 10minute video of the sun setting in all its glory... (you can jump forward in the video, unless you stop, grab a drink and visualize yourself there of course - to see the wonderful colours). pura vida, diane PS...I am posting this video to SHARE with you only - an escape to the tropics.. that is my husband voice at the beginning...not much talking thru it As we head into another New Year with our list of wishes, hopes and dreams for the magical change over of the clock, I find that sometimes my list has been the same year after year after year. Do you feel the same? My father (who I still cannot believe has been gone for 8 years) always quoted a Slovenian saying which roughly translates to: Time is Ticking...Saying Nothing So as the time ticks away silently in the background, I get surprised when I realize I am in my 50's!!! what?? when did this happen... I remember when my dad turned 50 and he couldn't believe it either...said he still felt 25... so do I... but now he has gone and what did he do between 50-77...only 27 short years... what will my life be like for the next 30-40 years... if I don't plan/make goals... nothing will be done but wondering where the time went As I sit for the next few days contemplating 2013, and our family goals, my goals for 2014..I wonder what I will come up with. Having had a lot of "big dreams" in my life already met, what can I come up with for the next year?? There have been many of you out there reading my blog that have read through the Transformation posts. If it resonated with you or if it is a major challenge for you... why not do it anyway? if not Now, then When.... tick, tick, tick, tick........ Wishing you many Blessings and the happiest of New Years!! May Health, Happiness, and Joy fill 2014... kindest regards, diane PS.. $50 gift cards expire Dec 31/13... so not to late to get one and start the New Year in transformation. Send me a message and I will send you a number. Greetings from sunny Costa Rica!!! As you can see by the photo, my days recently have been walking the beaches and taking in the breathtaking sunsets off the Pacific Ocean.... absolutely stunning... the colours on my pallet could never duplicate God's nightly masterpieces!! My husband and I are in the next chapter of our lives. Since my mother's passing 1.5years ago, we have finally taken the leap to live the life we have talked about for the past 5 years. Our goal has been to have a summer cottage in Ontario and go south for the winters. I always thought Florida but after being in Costa Rica twice in the past year, my husband fell in love with this beautiful green country and here we are!! We are currently practising at being snow"chickadees" (I don't think we qualify for birds yet!!) Our goal is to bring our kettle corn business here as well. So this is the first season in about 10 years where I did not participate in the craft show circuit. Hard to say, but I was a little relieved. I found my sales have been declining over the past few years and my foray into chalk painting furniture was shortlived as well with our decision to come south. So far I have not missed painting yet...hopefully the break will do me good and I will participate more in the summer craft shows where my floral designs are more appropriate. Also, the colours here in CR are so vibrant that it is messing with my "pastel shabby" preferences. I now understand all the colours of green that I see on the paint shelf and see how they are used. The reds (again not one of my fav colours) are everywhere here... definitely not my pastel garden at home. However the sunsets are glorious in their pinks, purples and every combination. I also love the morning blues & whites... just cannot describe how breathtaking they are... Having said all that, my handpainted giftwares are still available at the following locations: Whimsical Lion Country Market, Uxbridge Ocala Winery, Port Perry Coachhouse Studio, Utica Merry Christmas to you all and looking forward to the New Year 2014!! cheers diane Well it is finally here, the season that I like the least!! I do not get excited about the crisper, cooler air, or the magnificent colours of autumn with the changing of the leaves to their deep reds, brilliant oranges and bright yellows. I LOVE the heat and humidity of the summer and everything that summer brings. Hot nights, days lounging by the water, open toed shoes... you know the fun stuff. So as fall creeps in and takes away my pleasure season, I curse it first than it very slowly works its way into my heart. I start to appreciate the colours (even though not my favourite colour palette) as I clear the cobwebs in my studio. I bring out the paints, turn on the radio (yup old school) to listen to the Maple Leafs (hockey season is starting and I get sucked in again hoping that the team will get to the playoffs and maybe win again in my lifetime!!) and get ready for craft show season. I still have a few pumpkins left, the craft kind that don't go bad, and i hide the ugly orange/brown colouring and bring some beautiful colour to them. These are a few I did in the past to share with you. They have all found good homes to be the centre of attention for a short while, as Canadian Thanksgiviing is just a few weeks away. Should you wish to custom order one, please get your order into me by Sept 30 the latest for a Thanksgiving delivery. Cheers, and enjoy the weather and the coolness in the air!! diane Well I have finally had a chance to get back to Utica and the Coach House Studio to re-visit my booth!!... I knew I had to rearrange the space as it was cramped in there and awkward to access.. I think I should have brushed up on my fung shei!!
I have been a rookie before and was now a rookie displayer!! With the help of Laura and her wonderful mother, I was able to rearrange my space to give it a lighter more welcoming feel!.. As you may notice, the beautiful coffee table and to be moved..it was just to big for the space and we found room in another overflow area for it. Of course, it is still a work in progress... I have great ideas as I go through Pinterest pictures and see beautiful store displays, of how I would love my booth to me.. I just need to go for it!! You see I even had trepidation in hanging up the old window... Laura's mom, Judy, just hoped on the ladder and knocked in a nail!!.. I need to fear dumb things less and just go for it.. it's ok to have many holes in the wall!!... My house is the same.. pictures on the floor instead of the wall as to "afraid??" to hang up... what if it is not right??... so what.... just do it!! anyone else feel like that? Anyways, what do you think of the revamped look?? Hope you like and can drop in soon... cheers diane A long time vision has come to fruition and in an awful hurry!! Back in April I was selected to be part of a new venture of Laura Gray's vision. While she was busy prepping her new "Coach House Studio", I was busy doing volleyball camps, appearances and private clinics (yes that is my other passion - inspiring the next generation of female volleyball athletes. While I was in Ottawa in early August, I got an email from Laura half way thru asking what size space did I want to have....???? yikes!!! OMG..now what do I commit to?? I measured out all the various sizes and all the dreams of what I had been wanting to paint and do and haven't as of yet. Then I put myself back to the Tony Robbins seminar that I attended in Chicago back in mid July. I put on my big girl panties and said GO FOR IT!!! I was not going to play small. Laura was asking us to come that weekend and start decorating and assembling the space...what?? I was in Montreal for the weekend and said I would come meet her on Monday...well Monday came and I was up for an 8am 2 hour practice... went home and started chalk painting all the pieces that have been waiting for me all these years!!! and I mean YEARS!!!! I went Tuesday to look at my space and my eyes must have been wide as saucers!!!... Laura said I could paint, wallpaper, put in carpet whatever I wanted...this was 11 days before opening!!! Did she not know that I had an appearance in Huntsville sports camp the next day, and 2.5 days of kettle corn selling. and tons of painting/waxing/distressing to do!!. so I did what I have learned to do best over these past few years... Let Go & Let God... in my case, I asked my heavenly angels (my mami & ati) to help me come up with a vision.. it was nothing that I had expected.. I was thinking pink & black... they came up with heavenly clouds!! Once I set my mind in motion, the universe answered: - asked for a china hutch on facebook, I was lead to a white wicker bookcase at the Restore for $20 -asked for another piece to display, one of the other vendors said she had a wrought iron type white arch unit with glass shelves that would look great for your glassware -asked for guidance on how to paint the walls, Annie Sloan book had how to do walls that look old.. (Laura, a master interior designer, loved the look...phew) -the only original piece I bought was the black rug to anchor the space!! it all came together just perfect!! thanks to my heavenly angels!!! see the Page on Coach House Studio for pictures. It has been awhile since I have been on here and now that the cooler weather is in the air and that this has been the WORST summer ever weather wise, I have been back in the studio!!... best yet... I finally got dh to agree to let my use his garage/workshop to spread my wings!!! I am busy getting ready for a new adventure....details to come...stay tuned... In the meantime, if you are still on the fence about getting your health back into check, September is the second time of the year to reboot (January the first)!!... Taking the 10 Day Purium Transformation will get you the kickstart (or kick in the pants) to help you get rid of the summer indulgence!! Remember I will even GIVE you $50 towards your first purchase!! YES I am giving you $50 in REAL FOOD products!!!... It has been 3 months since I did my cleanse and the pounds are still off and even though I have a buttertart from time to time (ok every other day)...I still am gravitating towards healtier foods and maintaining with a yummy shake in the morning... let me know your concerns about "What is stopping you?"... I can help you thru them.... enjoy the rest of the summer...what is left of it!! blessings, diane For the past 2 months, my two blogs on Healthy Living has received more views than all my painting pages combined. So if you are one of those that come back to read this, my question to you is "what is stopping you"?? You could be where I am as the 10 days (even with waiting time for shipping) cycles have gone by at least 2x already!! Today is Father's Day, the last sad day I have to worry about til next May (see previous blog where I explained that I lost both my parent's in month of May).. June 6 was my Ati's birthday and today Father's Day. I know in my heart they died to young (78 dad/ 75mom) due to choices they made..ati with the cigarettes my mom with the sweets. I took the challenge upon myself as I knew I was not putting good food choices in my body. I am now a "Recovering Sugarholic". It is one month now since competing the 10 Day Purium Transformation. It really has transformed my life. The whole household eats salads every day (each one with a different combination) and do not even consider packaged food anymore!!. I have maintained my weight loss as well...having lost a total of 13lbs since beginning this journey. I have so much energy this past month that I started up another small business with my girlfriend Maryann, who is also a Purium business partner with me. Not only feeling better, looking better (I will be 51 next month!!) and eating better, I get "paid" to tell you about it. So if you have been looking for something to kickstart your health , reset your metabolism and to make a few extra dollars in your pocket (through sharing my experience and having others do their own transformation) we made enough last month to not only have our products paid for but to have extra $$$ in our pockets as well. Send me an email to find out how much I made...I can show you my checks in my first month!! (You do NOT have to sell anything..you can just be a customer like 6 of my friends have done so far) I am very passionate about this as it works both ways!! Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful men out there that take care of their families, and a Special Happy Father's Day to my Ati in heaven, who I so dearly miss. Did you answer the question?? What is stopping you? money, time, don't know??? ask me and I can help you out... Blessings, diane PS. Not only does this company have a 60 day money-back guarantee, it also gives you $50 gift card to try out the product!!. If you are not ready for the 10 day Transformation I suggest you start taking the LOVE Supermeal once a day...this power shake will give you all the nutrients you need for your daily intake. It is Live.Organic.Vegan.Energy. read about it here. Hi, just wanted to update you all on how the "10 Day Transformation" continues into June!!! It has been 2 weeks since completing the 10 Day Cleanse and I am so happy to let you know that the weight is still off..my summer clothes are not-so tight and I even went shopping for a new bathing suit and not having to look at the "jiggly jello" around the waist!!! All of my group that has completed it have all adapted a healthier eating habits!! We are eating REAL FOOD, no preservatives, no pre-packaged goods, no SUGAR!! which is the biggest surprise considering that was most of our downfall before. With our great results, I have another group of 5 from Western Canada to the USA starting their "kickstart" to a healthier summer. Some are doing it because of health, wanting to improve sleep or lack of, a couple of others with 50 around the corner know they need to do something. This program does change your metabolism.. kicks it back to the way you should be eating. There is a lot of great information on the YouTube search for: Purium Health Products David Sandoval - the founder of Purium Jamie Olivers - Food Revolution Follow me on Facebook as I repost a lot of interesting recipes.. I am now eating more greens, I take the L.O.V.E Supermeal as a meal replacement when I am on the go. I take the Apothe-Cherry Concentrate to have deeper sleeps. You have got nothing to lose but weight itself... Do your own Research and if your gut says "just do it"...email me for a $50 gift card towards your first purchase. If you want to make some extra money, just do what I am doing and share your story. We have made over $500 in our first month (so products were essentially paid for by sharing my story with my friends and with YOU my followers!! Keeping it Healthy diane |
diane cooperI am a floral artist that loves to create in my home studio. I love pink rose, beaches, travelling!! Archives
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